Contact with us

Do you have a question for us? Do you want to share your suggestion, or opinion with us?
Do you want to contact us? Below there is our address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. We encourage you to use our contact form online.

Delikatesy Centrum
(Kanne-Group Polska Sp. z o.o.)

66-470 Kostrzyn nad Odrą
ul. Graniczna 1
NIP 599-26-38-888
Tel. (+48 95) 752 19 44
Fax (+48 95) 752 19 45
Bank account number: 86 8355 0009 0015 2389 2000 0001

Contact form

Promotion leaflet

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Contact with us

*If you have additional questiones or You want to get some more information,, we are ready to help you.. Below there is a list of ways how you can contact us..